Spiritual Phoenix Studios
7 min readJan 11, 2022


Selected by Spirits | Spiritual Awakenings | Spiritual Emergencies | Dark Night of the Soul

Hey, what is up? It’s Ross. And we’re back with episode two; this is about being selected by spirits, spiritual awakening, spiritual emergency, dark night of the soul initiation by spirits and Bankai.

Selected by Spirits

I’ve gathered that being selected by spirits is a continuous process. It usually happens earlier on in a person’s life where they’re picked at birth or shortly after in the earlier ages. Some essence or unique personality stands out, making them attractive to spirits. The other aspect of this is that it’s an optional experience.

Spirits’ ideas of kindness and compassion are vastly different from the human concept from what I’ve seen. The reason being is, it’s not easy. There’s some need for permission for spirits to engage or work with people. So there has to be some trust. And that trust is earned gradually. If it were forced or coerced, people would not be so willing to; I believe that good things could come from it, but because it is optional and you can let it go whenever you want, there’s a sense of benefic kindness behind it, even though it might not look that way on the surface to people.

Being selected by spirits is becoming more common because as the world gets sicker, more people have what would be called soul sickness.

I see these people like me having this quote-unquote soul sickness, almost like mushrooms coming in and detoxifying these spaces by digesting the bullshit. Look at the pollution and terror we wage on each other and the planet. This type of behavior is not a sign of the health of a species, but if people meditate on why we’re acting this way, there might be a solution. Sharing our experiences to help raise consciousness is the course correction.

Spirit is looking for people for course correction because some unity between the material world and the spirit world needs to be maintained, and they have more resources to guide things, but they don’t have the physical hands to do it.

We have physical hands, but we don’t have access to some knowledge. So when we work together with them and with other entities, we get better opportunities, which is why spirit would be looking for people who would be more gifted.

Spiritual Awakening

A spiritual awakening is a profound experience that helps one understand the relationship to the cosmos. These are very beautiful, but they can have some terrifying elements.

The issue is they can leave people having a false sense of reality because they’re looking at the world through rose-colored glasses and begin to miss out on the finer nuances of what it means to be human.

Spiritual awakenings also offer a sense of power, purpose, sense of mystery, and sense of connectivity. All of the previous concepts culminate into one, transcendence. And by transcendence, I mean superseding your needs and thinking of the good of the collective. Because oftentimes, we want the world to change to our liking.

Spiritual Emergency

A Spiritual emergency can come from initiation by spirits or part of a natural process. I’ve had several spiritual emergencies. The most recent one was an unexpected or breached spiritual awakening or download, and I like to use the metaphor of watching Netflix on dial-up as it would probably blow the phone out of the socket.

Some people don’t even know what dial-up internet is that may be reading this; these experiences are things that end people up in psych wards, right? There are things that the information that you get is a little bit too much to handle. You don’t have the resources to handle it, and you lose your shit, which is not pleasant because then you also have to sort through everything and put Humpty Dumpty back together again, blah blah blah.

These things are rough, which is why I do what I do to help people. But they also include loss of power, paranoia, confusion, irritability, and psychosis.

I’m not violent in those states. There is a lot of aggression and anger in there, which can lead people down bad roads. Also, the confusion can make you make poor choices. It’s just not a good place to be, and spiritual emergencies are different from a dark night of the soul, but you can also have them happen simultaneously.

Dark Night of the Soul

It surprised me how quickly I was able to bounce back from it. Still, like Dark Nights of the soul are a heckn’ bad time friends, you do not want to go through that and from what I’ve seen, um you can go through more than one as well, and the best thing to do is buckle up because you can’t run from it when it’s coming for you.

You just got to sit there and take it and navigate it wisely, or you can be afraid, but the more fear you have, the more these experiences will mess you up. You want to be somewhat neutral about it anyhow.

A dark night of the soul is about demoralization, degradation, isolation, emptiness, pain, and fear; this is the thing where like you’re on the verge of death. Still, you did not die, and that is almost worse. That is like an insult to injury,

Initiation by spirits

Initiation by spirits, only a fool would want them, and they require grit.

Yeah, you have to have a little bit of something else to make it, though, because I don’t know what the funk I just experienced going through all of that. Still, I don’t want to go through it again um. Still, I do know that whatever the funk I went through, it was going to help me be a stronger person requires heart; you have to have a heart too, because if you do not have something that you can rely on that is meaningful, like a way to get you through there, you’re fucking cashed, you’re done!
This process requires principles, so you have to have principles in and initiation by spirit because it’s like the upside-down; everything is wonky. Even the rules have somewhat reversed, and if you don’t have a general compass of how to be a good person and know right from wrong, you can very quickly put yourself in circumstances that can lead to real consequences.

And hurt or harm a lot of people and then lastly don’t fail, you don’t want to fail the initiation by spirits because if you do, you’re gonna wish that you just never did. Um, and I’m just going to leave it at that, right? I don’t think I need to unpack that anymore.


Bankai is achieving a level of inner mastery that visibly manifests into the material world. This concept comes from bleach um, which is an anime that I enjoy, and we’ll be talking about bleach as we go more through the podcast. Still, I think there is this potential for manifesting dreams into the real world and achieving inner mastery in this pursuit. When we’re able to craft our imagination and these experiences in meaningful and powerful ways, we can begin to create physical changes in our lives, and I’m evidence of that.

If you look at my life where it was five years ago to where it is now, my life is vastly different and um. At the same time, I’m still somebody who has mental health issues and doesn’t have their life together fully, my life is vastly different, and it’s like a refined form of spiritual pressure.

So this is, you know, the pits coming anyhow, you jump in, you’re going for the ability to manifest your dreams, or you’re willing to die like trying to manifest your dreams, it is refining power. So many people in the modern witchcraft movement or whatever the hell you want to call it to focus solely on power, but they don’t understand that power doesn’t mean shit if you’re not using it effectively.

This process is refining power to a precision point. So you can use it for specific things. You don’t need to use a lot of magic to make things effective. You could use a bit of magic in the right places at the right times, and subtlety is your friend.

In regards to magic, in my personal opinion, and I say this after being like the most extra bitch ever. So, keep that in mind. It’s ok to have a moon shot but keep a lot of your manifestations tangible to build up your confidence. And then also You’re better off staying small and unnoticed with your magickal workings.

Are you going to look around and find out? Um, the universe loves brave people. The universe does not like cowards much. And let’s see. Quick note others’ journeys await, and other trips await. You’ll have your unique take on what these words mean in your experience; all of this stuff is just reference, not gospel, and they say that, like keep in mind all of these things I’m sharing are just ideas in my own experience.

I’m not trying to dictate your experiences; I just hope that you find something useful from this and that you can use it to grow and move forward with this process. One of my theories is the universe is educating us, the universe might be having fun with us, or the universe is learning, so why do I think it’s like this?

Because the universe is trying to learn or teach, or it’s just having fun and working with us because it’s infinite.

And what else would it do to recapitulate? Certain people are selected by spirits and undergo a series of experiences, but choice matters, and it’s a test of your soul and character. So again, spirits can select people, um, take them through this awakening process; there are some challenges there, and it’s meant to bring out the best in you, and if you don’t meet the grade, they’re fine letting you be fodder.

In the next episode, which will be two weeks from now, we will be talking about spirituality, tuning into the natural power of the universe. Magic is learning to channel it. So we’re going to start separating spirituality and magic, and then in episode four will probably go full magic or something like that.

I’m not too sure, still getting recalibrated after being out of the psych ward and with all of that said, we will chat again soon, have a great day.



Spiritual Phoenix Studios

Explore tarot, crystal healing, Reiki, and the occult with Spiritual Phoenix Studios. Discover wisdom and enlightenment on your spiritual journey.